The University has a number of University policies that govern the use and protection of University data and computing resources. These policies undergo a rigorous review process and are eventually approved by the Board of Governors. A comprehensive list of all University policies can be found on the University Policies website. Below is a list of policies that govern Information Security.
Code of Behaviour for Use of Computing Resources & Corporate Data (MAPP 1.13) The University's computing resources have been acquired, and are allocated to individuals and groups, for specific academic and administrative purposes which advance the University's mission. This policy ensures that the University's computing resources are used in an effective, ethical and lawful manner.
UWO Guidelines on Access to Information & Protection of Privacy (MAPP 1.23) As a publicly funded institution which operates with a high degree of autonomy and self-regulation, Western University affirms the importance of the principle of freedom of information and the obligation to conduct its operations as far as possible in ways that are open to public scrutiny. Also, Western University is committed to the protection of the privacy of individuals with respect to personal information about themselves held by the University. Therefore, Western University has enacted this policy to support these principles of openness, accountability and protection.
Bank Card Policy (MAPP 1.29) The acceptance of Bank Cards provides a convenient way to handle the sale of goods and services at Western University. While University departments are encouraged to use technology, by permitting the use of Bank Cards for commercial transactions, Western University becomes subject not only to federal and provincial legislation relating to privacy, but also rules and regulations relating to the handling of Bank Cards and Cardholder Information imposed by Banks other third parties thus incurring risk. This Policy provides mandatory security measures and procedures for University departments accepting Bank Cards for payment.
University Records & Archives Policy (MAPP 1.30) The University of Western Ontario is committed to the efficient and effective management of its records and the preservation of its institutional memory through the establishment of a University Archives. This policy governs the comprehensive records management service provided to the University by the University Archive.
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Computing and Network facilities are provided for the use of faculty, staff, and students in support of the mission of the University. The users are responsible for assuring that these resources are used in an effective, ethical, and lawful manner.
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